Guys that can build stuff like this and don't have to buy all that big dollar stuff...

...that can build their own engines (motors are for electric fans, not cars)

...and have the know how to build one of them Springer thingys, that don't cost a months pay on the farm.


...this here is what ya call one of them "another word from our sponsors"

...yes, it's all home made.

...and got an engine "big enuff to pull 4 plows" one of them 327 thingys


...and when ya step on this thing, it's like kicking 4 mules in the butt!

...don't know what this is for, lessin' it's for hanging yore wash on it.

...don't know what this is for, but it looks good back here

I hurd one of these things cost ya a fortune ifin' ya bought it new. (Yes, it's a homemade Springer frontend that really works)

...yep, got them shinny wheels on it too. I can't afford these things

After 14 cases of Bud Lite and $1500.00 this is what a "Redneck" can come up with........Kentucky Style.